Automatic approvals based on Juicer.Deals Ranking

Hello there!
Beginning of today, you can enable automatic approvals for your promotions, based on the shopper’s ranking!

How does it work?

You can set up the automatic approval when you create promotion:
enable automatic approvals
Choose who will be approved automatically:
Top 50#, 300#  #500 #1000 or Everyone.
choose automatic approvals

You can also change your setting at any time by editing an existing promotion if you want to change your choice.

Why is it good?

It’s proven that as soon the shopper gets the coupon after his request, he purchases the product sooner.
Using the automatic approval will increase your purchasing rate, especially with low discounted promotions (30% – 60% off)


Make sure to limit your max order quantity, automatic approval mean you can’t explore the shopper’s profile before he gets the coupon. you can learn how to limit the MOQ here.
We do not recommend to set up “Everyone” for deeply discounted promotions; 30% – 60% is the recommendation.

Create new promotion >
Edit existing promotion >

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